How To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy! – The Inner Game Of Natural Selling With Integrity

How To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy!

How To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy!

The Inner Game Of Natural Selling With Integrity

A Proven Step By Step Blueprint To Double Your Sales
Without Tension, Rejection Or Objections!

How To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy is the most complete, deep-dive online course I’ve written since I created the New Model of Selling over 27 years ago.

It’s the ultimate in being able to double your sales in literally 90 days with integrity, authority, authenticity and without compromising your values.

It produces more professional and personal life-changing results for you than anything I know of out there!

You’ll be able to easily tap into and apply the supporting behavioral neuroscience and psychology that is the foundation of Natural Selling which I detail in my eBook – Why To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy!

Which is included with this course.

The Missing Ingredient

How To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy contains something that somehow every sales training course around the world fails to realize or mention…

The real reason why Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue has resonated with, and been so successful for thousands around the world…

Many of whom now making six and seven-figure commissions every year!

It’s an essential paradigm shift that will help you help more people and make you more sales you would otherwise have lost.

This transformative human approach to selling I created and have been using, training and coaching others for over 27 years now, has successfully scaled many of my client’s sales from $50,000 a year to over $300,000 a month. It can for you too!!

Here is one of them I personally trained and coached 2 decades ago… Jeremy Miner …

A special thanks goes out to my friend Michael Oliver who I met in 2005 which I consider one of the best sales trainers worldwide. To this date I have made a little bit over $500,000 dollars in our first twelve months. And it’s really just the beginning. We’re on our way to doubling that income this year… And, I’ll tell you that’s the reason why we’re having so much success is because of Natural Selling.
Jeremy Miner

First, you’ll take a deep dive into the essential Natural Selling mindset and intention based on the 5 Natural Selling Foundational Principles, and then…

How to programmatically apply them! 

Crafting Your Own Personalized Scripting Guideline

You’ll get the exact cutting-edge Dialogue Framework with the 7 different types of Natural Selling Questions in the Discovery Stage that will allow you to craft your own Scripting Guideline that eliminates tension, friction and resistance…

What to ask, when to ask, why you ask and how to ask

And more importantly…

How to listen, what to listen for and how to respond

Everything you learn and use is easily transferable to any other product or service you choose to help people buy in the future.

It even includes what 95% of sales people don’t know;

How to let your leads want to willingly lean in and reveal their Unique Buying Blueprint with just 5 questions… Right at the beginning of your Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue, and…

Buy from you… Without resistance or tension.

In fact, it follows much of my personal one-on-one training and coaching format. And because this course is so complete, it’s my intention you won’t need me for that!

You’ll find, before you even get to the end of the course, how to have more potential buyers respond favorably as you make it easier for them to want to buy from you.

This could be a game changer for you and your business, couldn’t it, though you’re free to choose. And it’s available on my website for…

Only $1,997…

Note: It includes my book – Why To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy! An essential part of the course and essential reading before you start

When you stop to think about it… $1,997 is a drop in the ocean isn’t it, when you consider it’s most likely you’ll comfortably make that back in less than a month, like my students who easily achieve this all the time?

You’ll get more inner, and the outer practical secrets of how to dissolve objections and rejection from the moment you introduce yourself!

In fact… And here’s the secret… It starts BEFORE you even think about introducing yourself!

You’ll be crafting your own Scripting Guideline as you progressively move through 3 Phases and Steps discovering information that most salespeople have no idea what to listen for.

Here’s a helicopter view of the 3 Phases and a few of the Steps and Lessons of what you’ll get…

Phase 1: The Essential Mindset of Empathic Selling with Integrity

      • 7 Ways to Reframe & Reprogram Your Subconscious Mindset
      • You had me at hello! How to craft your ultimate Elevated Elevator Speech (Impact Statement). Do this and take your Elevator Speech to the penthouse instead of being dumped in the basement!
      • 5 Essential Natural Selling Mindset Fundamentals you’ve most likely never been told about.
      • 3 Important Primary Qualifying Objectives – They’re probably not what you think!
      • How To Listen so potential buyers want to buy!
      • Understanding Problems and Needs – The importance of understanding the real meaning of Features, Advantages and Benefits, and how to effectively present them.
      • How to prevent yourself from unconsciously saying things or using words that create resistance.

Phase 2: Crafting Your Personalized Scripting!

      • The 5 Needs & Values Questions that quickly allow your potential buyers to reveal their Unique Logical and Emotional Buying Blueprint
      • 6 Effective Ways to Start Conversations that dissolve tension & put everyone at ease.
      • The 7 Different Types of Logical Fact Finding & Emotional Feeling Finding Questions that allow your potential buyers to want to influence themselves to listen to and buy from you!
      • What to ask, when to ask, why to ask and how to ask so Potential Buyers want to listen
      • How to listen, what to listen for and how to respond – The most important skills to master.
      • How to Present Without Presenting – Another game changer! Having your questions do the presenting for you! 

Phase 3: How To Effectively Respond to Comments or Questions of Concern – Without using standard resistance causing overcoming objection techniques!

      • 4 Important Mindset Shifts
      • 3 Steps to Resolving Comments or Questions of Concern
      • 26 Natural Selling Examples of how to respond to questions of concern

This course really is the ultimate in being able to double your sales in literally 90 days with integrity, authority, authenticity and without compromising your values, as many of my present clients are doing.

Right from the moment you start reading…

You’ll take immediate action on what you learn with Action Steps at the end of each lesson – Because after all, it’s all experiential and taking action continually and consistently is key, isn’t it?

By the end of this online course, you will have:

    1. Firmly locked in your new foundational Natural Selling Intention
    2. Established a strong Skillset transferable to any industry
    3. Helped more people, have happier customers, put more money in your pocket or purse by making more sales that otherwise would have been lost!

Here’s what to do next…

Click on the button below, fill in the order form, and the complete practical How To ‘Sell’ The Way People Buy! course, along with my foundational book, will be on its way to your inbox.

Here are some case histories. How about Ian Jackson of New Zealand…

Let me just say it was the best decision I made as a salesperson. The ROI was almost instantaneous and quite profound. I now sell without tension, frustration, or fear while enjoying all sales interactions and being remunerated handsomely for my work. Thank you, Michael!
Ian Jackson – NZ

Here are some more comments…

Thank you Michael. I immediately implemented what you taught me and my sales went up 100% taking about 80% less time and zero resistance! The results are nothing short of amazing.
Greg Soukoreff – KB International

And seriously, if change is important to you, and it’s important enough for you to change right now – The Natural Selling online course will put you on the accelerated path to help you do that.

 I’m only half way through the Natural Selling Course but I am happy to share with you my monthly commissions have DOUBLED since. November 2024 I made 9k Euros in commissions. December 2024 I made 17.4k Euros in commissions. I started the course on the 10th December!!
Ignacio Perez de Bartoleme 

I am seeing so many people ready to buy after two appointments whereas in the past it has taken me three-four appointments. His sales methods are spot on and have changed the way I think about selling and communicating.
Edward Griffin – Boss Retirement Solutions

Whether you’re new to the profession or a sales veteran, if you’re ready to turn more of your potential buyers into REAL customers, faster than you can imagine…

Taking action now is obviously the key… Because as you know, without action, nothing changes, does it?

So, I invite you to take the next step right here as this is the time and place to do it!

Ready to bring the future into the present?

Thank you.

Natural Selling Inc

Check out the frequently asked questions.

Can I see the course curriculum?

You can find the full course curriculum here.

Is the course done in video?

The course is delivered in text copy, audio and PDF’s.

I saw no point in having a video of me reading the course when most people will want to listen to it…

How long will the course be available for?

This is a one time fee and the course will be available to you indefinitely.

Still have questions?

Then click here to email me and I’ll get right back to you!