Work with Michael One-on-One

Work With Me One-On-One

Master the Essential Deeper Mindset & Behavioral Science of… Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue

So now you’ve read my ebook giving you the psychology and the behavioral science that is the foundation of Natural Selling… Studied my online course… Written your own Guideline Script and acted on what you’ve learned by calling potential buyers…

And yet…You feel something is missing… Such as perhaps…

      • How to turn intangible thinking into tangible results that no other sales training program I know of teaches…
      • The unique Natural Selling Mindset Shift that fully embodies the first 2 Foundational Principles…
      • The need to dive deeper to personalize your approach and make your Scripting Guideline unique to you…

If this sounds, looks or feels like you, I invite you to a complimentary talk with me about One-on-One Coaching and Mentoring to see whether I can help you break through whatever barriers, especially any mental ones, you think are holding you back.

If you’re anything like most of those I work with one-on-one, typically your monthly sales will increase from 50 – 300 percent within the first 4 to 8 weeks!

Here is an example of what I mean.

Recently, after 3 x 50 minute training and coaching sessions with me, Ian Jackson in New Zealand actually doubled his sales in just after 3 weeks!

Just a quick update Michael. Doubled my sales from 5 on average a week to 10 this week and I’m currently on a 6 from 6 streak. 🙏 Thank you

Believe it or not, this is quite usual in my world! And done correctly, you’ll get…

      1. Immediate and long-term behavioral change in yourself (we’re talking about rewiring your brain here!)… As well as…
      2. Short and long-term quantifiable increases in sales
      3. Your Scripting Guideline crafted to your own unique requirements

If you decide during our talk you’d like me to help you with what you want and need, here is what will happen…

      • You get me and only me! No other coaches, trainers, generic videos or group training you have to try and interpret to your own situation.
        This is all about you and only you!
        And this is what I love doing the most!
        It’s a more powerful and impactful way for you to boost your performance from the moment we start.

The unique difference between what I do, and other sales coaches, is that I combine the ingredients of training, coaching and mentoring based on what I know works in the real world, with my own experience working with different industries over the last 46 years and training others for the last 27.

This makes it a more powerful and impactful way for you to boost your performance from the moment we start.

      • You get your own exclusive interactive shared personal Google Docs link that we share and use each session when using Zoom.
      • An in-depth Questionnaire you fill in on Google Docs – An important foundation for the coaching.
      • Training materials added to your Google Docs as you progress.
      • A Fast Track start with 2 x Zoom sessions per week for the first 2 weeks, with one a week thereafter, (more if you need it), until you’re ready to go!
      • Flexible coaching and mentoring that is tailored to your immediate needs, with a combination of Zoom or texting/phone on WhatsApp.
      • Recorded video session on Google Docs for you to download and refer to.
      • Help with holding yourself accountable.
      • And finally, you’ll leave with…
        • Your personalized Guideline/Scripting based on the 5 Stages of the Natural Selling Dialogue Framework and the 7 different types of questions
        • Short and long-term behavioral change in yourself, and others which will be reflected in the positive way people respond to you.
        • A quantifiable increase in sales.

It’s intensive, interactive and transformative. Email me a request to the email address below:

Include in your email answers to the following questions;


  1. Have you read my ebook and taken my online course?
  2. Have you taken action on what you have learned?
  3. Have you written your own Guideline script?
  4. What do you sell?
  5. From where do you get your leads?
  6. What do you feel is missing that you need one-on-one coaching?
  7. What time zone are you in?
And seriously, if the quantum leap to change is important to you, and it’s important enough for you to change right now – I’m one of the very few people who can help you put yourself on the Fast Track path to achieve that!

Michael Oliver

Creator of The New Model Of Selling, International Sales Trainer, Coach, Mentor, Best Selling Author


Here are some interesting stats from the International Coaching Federation (ICF);

    • 86% of companies who have salespeople who take sales coaching indicate that their company has at least made their investment back.
    • 19% had a return of at least 50 times the initial investment.
    • The median return is an outstanding 700%, indicating that typically a return of 7 times the initial investment can be expected