If you’ve ever scratched your head wondering what to ask next when a potential buyer tells you they are satisfied with their present situation…

This Sales Tip is for you!

What people say to you at first isn’t necessarily always what is actually happening.

Many people carry two truths about how they view themselves, their lives and their businesses…

Their social or business truth for the world to hear and see, and their inner carefully protected one!

One is usually stronger than the other, and it’s important to discover which one is the more predominant, as more often than not –

It will deepen the trust and your ability to sell more!

It’s easy to find out!

For example… When you ask a closed ended question such as

“Is what you’re presently doing working for you?”

You’ll usually get one of 3 replies…

A “Yes”, “No”, or a vague “Yeah… it’s OK!”

It’s important you get behind the first remark by asking them to elaborate…

And then do the same thing to explore the other side to find what truth is the strongest.

It goes like this…

If the answer is “Yes!” to the above question

You reply, “Great, and may I ask, what do you like about it?”

You follow their answer with… “And, Is there anything else you like about it?”

And then…

“I see, so It seems what you’re doing is working fairly well for you?”

And then immediately ask another question to find out if there is a different perspective…

“So, let me ask you, is there anything you would change about (what was just said) if you could?”

If the answer is “Yes” you follow up with…

“What would you change… and why would you change it?”

You’ll find many times what they would change fits exactly with how you can help them your solution.

So, it’s important to remember to ask questions that explore both sides of what people say to you.

To Get More of These Natural Selling Tips